
Sietch supports a small number of configuration options with a .sietch.json file at the root of your site directory.

Default: .

This is the directory where Sietch will search for markdown files to turn into pages. By default it is the root of the site directory, but you use any relative directory.

For example, if you set PagesDir to "./posts" then only pages in the posts directory will be built. This doesn't affect where Sietch looks for config files, templates, or public files.

Default: 2006-1-2

Sietch only understands dates in the format 2022-1-20 (20th January 2022) by default. Set an alternate format here to use other date formats.

The value must be a layout that Go's time package can parse. That means it must use the reference time of 01/02 03:04:05PM '06 -0700.

Here are some examples of other valid date formats.

Default: algol_nu

Set the syntax highlighting theme to one of the options from Chroma's styles.

If you would prefer to style your code with CSS, use "css" as the value here instead.

Default: false

Setting Npm to true will ensure that the bundler tries to resolve files from your local node_modules directory, rather than from

Default: {}

The import map is used for custom module resolutions. Usually that would be pinning a module to a specific version.

  "ImportMap": {
    "preact": "preact@10.10.1",
    "preact/hooks": "preact@10.10.1/hooks",
    "preact/jsx-runtime": "preact@10.10.1/jsx-runtime"

Or aliasing one module to another.

  "ImportMap": {
    "react": "preact/compat",
    "react/jsx-runtime": "preact/compat/jsx-runtime"

It can also be used for setting any of the other flags that uses.

  "preact": "preact?bundle",
  "preact": "preact?dev",
  "preact-render-to-string": "preact-render-to-string?external=preact",
  "preact": "preact?pin=v90"

Note: Import maps only work with complete matches. Mapping preact to preact@10 won't automatically catch imports for preact/hooks or other subpackage exports.